Sunday, February 17, 2013

One Day After Volcano Erupts

Sorry, i didn't post anything on this blog for a long time. Now i must split my time between study, work, hangout, and blogging. Well, nevertheless i enjoy my live. Remain grateful for what i have now. Ok this time i visited Kinahrejo district, exactly in foot of the mountain merapi, Yogyakarta. In this place there was eruption of merapi mountain. A big eruption that destroy residential there. And the forest burnt out. With the passage of the time, the forest grow again, and become green again. After this eruption this place still become tourist destination. This is picture of the other side that i take with my boy in mountain.

 outfit : turtle neck lace top-vintage//midi skirt-DON boutique//ribbon belt-vintage//brown shoes-vintage
photographer by Nabiel Farouqi Arvan Assilmi

Happy New Year,Guys! :)



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